release 1.0.3 log

Hi people, long time no see.

We added some little fixes to We Don't Lie Corp:

  1. Now you can play it directly from the browser, you don't need to download the game anymore.
  2. We improve the character's jump adding a little coyote time, so now the lab's parkour is easier to beat.
  3. Now the Audio Scrolls in the pause menu are working well, we used a logarithmic function to make the volume changes more friendly to all of you.
  4. We fixed the pickup animation, now you can't skip it.
  5. With the Hat of Truth now the words are shown in red, for reference purposes.
  6. Finally, we did minor changes in the pause menu and we added options in the main menu. We also add two buttons in main menu to change the language (english and spanish).

Things we should fix, later or sooner:

  • The player position after he crosses a door. If you cross a door from the right to the left, the player spawn will be always at the left of the map. We tried to fix this bug before, but godot's KinematicBody2d can't modify the coordinates x and y just like that

Our goal is not to modify the game too much so that it preserves its OG essence. But, on the other hand, we trying to make the game more playable and less frustrating.

We hope you like the changes, see you soon fellas!

Files Play in browser
Aug 01, 2022

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